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Showing posts from October 20, 2008

Healthcare - Suggest Solutions?

Health Issues in the Philippines Like any other third-world country, the Philippines have been struggling in some health issues and one of it is illegal drug use. A lot of Filipinos are addicted to prohibited drugs. However, the Philippine government has dealt with this issue and although there are still some recorded incidents of drug abuse, the number of drug dependents in the Philippines has gradually decreased. Other concerning health issues in the Philippines, is malnutrition. There have been studies conducted and accordingly, most of the Filipinos that suffer from malnutrition are the poor ones. The Philippine government, thru the Department of Social Welfare and Developments along with the Department of Health has provided projects to help poor Filipinos from starvation.One such big issue is Dengue fever. Health Care System in Thailand Thailand has no established primary health care system- Most of the doctors in Thailand are specialists that is why it is hard to find a reliable...