sCommerce has been called the new Web 2.0 buzzword by web analytics. The Difference between eCommerce and sCommerce in that eCommerce is electronic commerce whereby people individually buy stuff online while sCommerce is Social Commerce whereby individuals buy stuff online with millions of people helping is one such initiative. If you ask me there was a long standing need for thsi as far as healthcare online shopping was concerned. Where ecommerce is the art of customer acquisition, Scommerce will be for customer satisfaction. Although this is a very new and a very good idea, it will require legislation and controls.Shopping online is a user convenience module which has to be made more standardised and user friendly, For health related products specific guidance is necessary before one takes the leap. Scommerce will be the ray of hope in here. Scommerce will benefit anyone who:- seeks to benefit from the combined knowledge of more than one doctor / health profess...
#MachineLearning, #BigData analytics, #ArtificialIntelligence have made the space of #digital #health even more interesting. Emerging markets like India are taking on these learning and bringing exciting business models. This blog is about Dr Dass's involvement in such projects and case studies. more on