Recent polls show that more than two-thirds of online health consumers would prefer to obtain healthcare information from those they know and trust, namely their physicians and hospitals
Services what we need and Deal with in E-health:
Internet strategy and return on investment analysis
Inter/Intranet site and application design, development, and hosting
Health content integration
Physician find and referral databases
Customer relationship management systems & Human resources management systems
HIPAA privacy & security system analysis and development
Dynamic systems: news & events, content authoring,
Database integration
Secure patient document imaging systems
What are Meaningful Returns?
Healthcare marketing
To date, analysis of healthcareÕs primary focus on Internet consumer marketing leaves little to be impressed with. As healthcare organizations review their expenditures in web technology against their expectations of attracting and converting web users to patients, the results are disappointing.Need to pnder in here.
Revenue Generation
Partner referrals and streamlined interaction
Your greatest source of new patients are from your referring physicians and partner organizations. Help your company devise strategies and technologies to improve referrals while
streamlining administration.
Patient service
Improving your patients' experience with your organization or practice creates long-lasting relationships. Implement technologies that improve patient communication, education, and their experience with your organization while reducing administrative time and costs.
Increase your marketing reach and conversion rate
Attracting consumers and converting them to patients is the name of the game. The web affords the millions searching for and finding healthcare providers a chance to get to know you. We need assistance to our organization in driving web traffic, encouraging repeat visits and converting Basic browsers to interested patients.
The recent woes of the e–health care players already show how hard it is to make a go with this model. In an environment where success requires a formidable level of entrepreneurship, our institutions will have to find a way to transform our cultures to compete against players unburdened by missions that go beyond generating maximum shareholder returns.